about me
who am i?
last updated on 17/08/2024
my name (online) is regen, [he/him] i mostly make music, and i’m currently studying graphic design. i have an interest in music (both creating and listening), sound design and audio codecs, digital archival, computers, photography, and more.
the website
i made this website after being inspired by yesterweb, and from the need of wanting to put more of my stuff out on the net. this site is an index of anything i've put out and want to put out on the internet publicly; and it also serves as an archive for my artwork, such as what i post on instagram, and for my music.
i’ve also wanted the website to serve as a way to advertise small artists, bands, musicians & creators that i really like and would love to see get more known. some ways that i do this is from the “featured thing of the week”, which changes whenever i update the site, unless the update happens the same week as the previous update. i feature music, artwork, just random stuff, either underground or mainstream. you can see its history on the changelog.
my music taste
i believe my music taste is quite diverse, my favourite genres are:
screamo & emoviolence, grunge, shoegaze, metalcore, punk rock, cloud rap, hip-hop, electronic music (idm), and ambient.
i’ve put up some of my playlists on /music/ if you would like to check out some great music, though i've stopped using streaming services.. i might start adding my playlists to my last.fm
this site and its content is licensed under creative commons: attribution & share-alike, unless mentioned otherwise. if you don’t know what that means, it means you are free to use my music, art, text, parts of the site’s code to whatever you want as long as you share your creation with the same license & give credit to me.
fonts: Liberation Serif &
TrueTypewriter PolyglOTT, both are under SIL Open License.
click here to see samples I’ve used in my music